Human Foods Pets Should Avoid

Human Foods Pets Should Avoid

As a pet owner it is a major responsibility to ensure you are providing your pet with a safe environment. Therefore, it is important for pet owners to offer proper foods for their furry friends to eat. When pets do eat human foods it can become very harmful. These foods are typically too processed and fatty in order for pets to properly digest them.

As a result, pets may have a variety of negative reactions including; vomiting, diarrhea, obesity, allergies, and possibly even toxicity from consuming human foods:

1. Chocolate

This food item is unfit for pet consumption due to the theobromine in it. If a pet consumes a small amount of chocolate, they will most likely be okay but experience mild symptoms. However, in larger quantities the food has the ability to be toxic and even fatal.

2. Onions and garlic

All parts of onions and garlic can be toxic to animals if consumed. A pet should not consume more than .5 percent of their body weight or it could be toxic to the animal. This includes any type of flesh, leaves, juice, and even processed powders. There are some pets that are even more sensitive to these items and cannot have even the smallest traces or it has the potential to be fatal.

3. Raw eggs and raw meat with bones

Traditionally, most pet owners are advised to stay clear of raw eggs and raw meat & bones and not feed these to their pets. There are some animals that are able to tolerate these food items better than others. However, if the meat is not high quality, a pet could suffer some negative health effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Bones also have the potential to be dangerous when consumed by pets. Bones have the ability to have sharp shards break off and possibly puncture internal organs after being eaten.

4. Caffeine

Pets are much more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than humans. Therefore, it is advised not to allow pets to have any traces of the substance. It can be found in a variety of items such as coffee beans, grounds, tea, and soda. Even minimal amounts have been linked to death especially in small pets.

5. Grapes and raisins

In general grapes and raisins are not an ideal food for pets to consume. This food can cause kidney failure when consumed by the pet. The actual toxic substance within the grapes are unknown; the side effects are undeniably harmful to an animal. Additionally, the level of toxicity depends greatly on the size of the animal.

Overall, it is important to understand what foods you are feeding to your pets. Additionally, you should know all ingredients prior to offering it to your animal. These items may seem small and avoidable; however, when it comes to your pets’ life you can never be too safe.