Top 5 Traditional Hot Spots for Respiratory Illnesses

Top 5 Traditional Hot Spots for Respiratory Illnesses

Plus Prevention and Treatment Options

Respiratory illnesses can be incredibly frustrating, painful, and difficult to deal with. From asthma to pneumonia, there are many different kinds of respiratory illnesses that can be caused by germs lurking in the surrounding environment. Thankfully, there are ways to treat and manage respiratory illnesses such as throat lozenges, inhalers, allergy medication, and more. Home remedies, such as getting rest and drinking lots of fluids, can even help treat respiratory troubles such as infections. However, there are also flu vaccines as prevention options such as Fluzone and Flublock, provided by companies like Moderna. Aside from all of these treatment and prevention options, it’s important to know about some of the top traditional hot spots for respiratory illnesses in order to take proper precaution. Keep reading to learn more:

1. Regions heavy with tobacco
In areas with high tobacco rates—such as parts of Southeast Asia—respiratory illnesses are more common. The higher smoking rates cause higher rates of respiratory illnesses related to smoking. These include chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, and likewise.

2. Polluted areas
Higher levels of polluted air in Urban areas can result in increased respiratory issues. Two examples of this are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. But why? Well, the accumulation of fine particulate matter and smog—which is present in cities like Los Angeles and Beijing—can be responsible for these issues.

3. Hospitals
Of course, it likely doesn’t come as much of a surprise that hospitals are a major hot spot for respiratory illnesses like pneumonia. To minimize this risk when visiting your loved one in the hospital, partaking in frequent and regular hand washing and sanitizing, as well as wearing a mask, can be good measures to keep you healthy and free from respiratory illness.

4. Bedding and pillows
Your bedding and pillows are likely covered in dead skin cells, dirt, and dust mites. Yuck! Dust mites thrive in the warmth and, in severe cases, can lead to respiratory issues such as facial pressure, coughing, sneezing, congestion, or an asthma attack. Washing your sheets once a week to keep them fresh and clean can help to reduce the risk of these nasty little guys causing you any respiratory related problems.

5. Basically every surface ever
Practicing proper hygiene—especially by regularly washing your hands—is vital in preventing respiratory illnesses. Most surfaces, especially those frequently touched by multiple individuals in a day, can be major hot spots for germs that may cause respiratory issues. Doorknobs, elevator buttons, handrails, and even your phone can act as breeding grounds for some pretty nasty germs. Always remember that staying safe and washing your hands is important for maintaining good health!